Tuesday, March 20, 2007

SK Software

SKV Software, a company that created several wonderful software like SKTools and SKMenu for the Pocket PC platform. Up till now, I've not seen any good working key generator made for this software. It's one of the most difficult software to crack on PPC platform.

One day, I was reading through ipmart forum page and came across a key generator for all the SKV software. Apparently, the file was taken from another warez site illegally and there's a war of words going on in that thread. When I visit the forum again the next day, the thread was removed.

I've tried out the key gen on SKTools version 3.1.4 and SKMenu version 1.2.170 and it work flawlessly. I'm truly amaze at what hackers can do.

I did a search on that file and only manage to find it on Torrentspy. Seems that this keygen will be circulating on the net pretty soon.

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