Thursday, March 29, 2007

Youtube funny videos

Was directed to these links on Youtube and find that it's very funny.

I think the classic question is "Name a country that starts with U and so many of them get it wrong"

If you're wondering how to save all these video clips from Youtube, I'll be covering it in the next post.


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Opera web browser

I would like to take the chance to introduce the Opera web browser as an alternative to Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE).

I came across this piece of software from one of the counter tracker that I have on some other site a few years back. Back then, it was the era of Windows 98 SE, Windows ME and Windows 2000 where MSIE did not have many essential feature badly needed for a web browser. I still remember the time that I have to install third party software to stop the pop-up ads. Even that does not stop all the pop-up and frequently causes the system to hang and crash. I was really disappointed with MSIE at that time as it was so prone to malicious attack and it's unstable. Microsoft could have done much better during that time.

The only other respectable browser that I know at that time is Netscape. I started off with Netscape when I was introduce to the internet. Back then, Netscape was the most popular browser and when MS introduce the first version of MSIE that was shipped with Windows95, it was a failure with so much problem. Switch over to MSIE eventually as they improve on the software. But it's still not enough.

I decided to give Opera a try. That was the year 2000. There's many features available with this browser and if you want to know more, visit them at and give it a try. It's free anyway. The followings are some of the good things about Opera. Please bear in mind that the following write up is base on my personnal experience about 7 years ago:

What I notice immediately when I lauch Opera for the first time was the speed at which webpage are display. It's definitely faster then MSIE. You can even speed upthe loading of the page by disallowing images from loading with a click of a button.

I was delighted to see that there's a "anti pop-up" feature incorporate into the software and there's a few options. So I choose the "Block unwanted pop-up" options. I was very happy that I don't receive any UNWANTED pop-up at ALL from ALL the sites I visited.

The best of all is "Mouse Gesture". I simply draw "symbol" on the sreen with my mouse and I could command the browser window to open, close, open in background, close all and many other more.

When Firefox was lauched a few years back, the main selling point was "Tab browsing" in which you could open a new window within the same browser. Opera has that feature way back before them. I've tried opening 100 windows to different sites and it didn't crash the system. Something that MSIE can never do.

I'm still stuck with Opera today even though MSIE, Netscape and Firefox has improve alot. But so do Opera. There's many new features added and one thing I like is the "Widgets".

Small Web applications (multimedia, newsfeeds, games and more) that make your
desktop experience more fun.

Nowadays, I only use MSIE on Windows update, Internet Banking and some site that can only work with MSIE.

Give Opera a try. You may like it. It may takes you a few days to customize the browser to your liking and get a hang on how things work, but it's really not the difficult.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

SK Software

SKV Software, a company that created several wonderful software like SKTools and SKMenu for the Pocket PC platform. Up till now, I've not seen any good working key generator made for this software. It's one of the most difficult software to crack on PPC platform.

One day, I was reading through ipmart forum page and came across a key generator for all the SKV software. Apparently, the file was taken from another warez site illegally and there's a war of words going on in that thread. When I visit the forum again the next day, the thread was removed.

I've tried out the key gen on SKTools version 3.1.4 and SKMenu version 1.2.170 and it work flawlessly. I'm truly amaze at what hackers can do.

I did a search on that file and only manage to find it on Torrentspy. Seems that this keygen will be circulating on the net pretty soon.


Monday, March 19, 2007

Late Post

Seems that I've already got tired of this site. Whew!!! That was fast. Anyway, a slow start is better then nothing.

The thing I consider when choosing a host are as follows :
i) Availability of templates.
ii) Ease of use.
iii) Layout customization.
iv) Ads.

It's easy to look for a free host for blogs but there're many that doesn't allow for layout customization. Yahoo 360 for instant, it does not allow you to remove some of the layout stuff. If unproperly manage, the site will look messy and clustered with too many information and difficult to navigate.

There're some other site that have so many ads on them that readers don't really know where to start reading. Furthermore, most blog host have a limited number of template to choose from. You're really stuck with what they give you.

Overall, I find that Blogspot is the best. It doesn't really have what I wanted but it's the best of what I can find. There're plenty of template available on the net for Blogspot and some are really beautiful. But the downside is that most of them are outdated and cannot be use for the new format that Blogspot implemented. Of course I can create my own, but that'll take up alot of my time. In the end, I just choose the avalaible template and modify some of the parameters to make it look the way I want it to be. It may not look nice but considering that it came from someone with no I.T. background and couldn't draw a circle properly, I'll say that it's acceptable.


Sunday, March 4, 2007

Open for business !!!

Finally got the site up. Congratulations to myself. Hopefully I'll be updating this site frequently and not let it "die" within 3 months. OK ..... now I have to sleep first. It's getting late and tiring getting this site up.